How To Recycle Plastic Waste At Home

It can be hard to know what to do with plastic waste. It’s everywhere, but it’s not always easy to recycle it. Luckily, there are plenty of ways to reuse or repurpose old plastic containers and bags so you don’t have to throw them away!

Recycle your plastic containers.

Plastic containers can be recycled. Look for the triangle with the number 1, 2 or 5 on it. Recycle your plastic containers by putting them in the blue bin.

If you have any other questions about recycling at home, please visit or call 3-1-1 (311).

Turn old plastic containers into something useful.

When you’re done with your plastic containers, don’t just throw them out! There are many ways to reuse old plastic containers for storage, crafts and more.

  • Use them as food storage containers in the kitchen. You can store leftovers or fresh produce in these. They’re also great for

How to Manage Hazardous Waste Safely

Hazardous waste is waste that can cause environmental or health problems if not disposed of properly. In this guide, we’ll go over the different types of hazardous waste and how to manage them safely.

Identify the different types of hazardous waste.

Hazardous waste is a broad category, and can include anything from medicines to leftover paint. Common examples include:

  • Paint thinners and solvents
  • Used motor oil (from cars, trucks, lawn mowers)
  • Antifreeze/coolant from car radiators or air conditioners

If you’re not sure if something is considered hazardous waste or not, check out the EPA website for more information on how to identify various types of hazardous materials. Once you’ve identified what type(s) of hazardous material needs disposal, follow these steps:

  • If possible try to reuse or recycle them first–this helps prevent their release into landfills where they could contaminate groundwater supplies or harm wildlife who come into contact with them

Five Best Innovations With Recycled Plastic

The world of recycling is changing. While you may not have heard of some of these innovations, they’re changing the way we think about plastic and how we can save it from the landfill.

Plastic bags

  • Plastic bags are made from recycled plastic.
  • Plastic bags are used for a variety of purposes, including lining trash cans and carrying things around in your purse.
  • Plastic bags are made from a variety of different types of plastic, including PET, HDPE and LDPE to name just a few!
  • Recycled bottles and jars are often used as the raw materials for making new plastic bags!

Recycled plastic shoes

Recycled plastic shoes are a great way to add a little style to your wardrobe while helping the environment. These shoes are made from post-consumer plastics, including polypropylene and polyethylene; they’re durable, comfortable and stylish. The recycled plastic used in these shoes makes them waterproof as …

Sustainable Paper Project

In today’s world, we are constantly bombarded with paper. Whether it’s a receipt after a trip to the grocery store or a piece of junk mail in our mailbox, paper is pervasive. And while this may be convenient for many people, it can also have negative effects on the environment. Because so much of our waste gets recycled into new products, reducing the amount of paper you use can help cut down on pollution and save trees. So how do you reduce your own consumption? Read on!

Reduce paper use

The first step to reducing the amount of paper you use is to make a plan. A good place to start is by making a list of all the tasks that require printed materials, and then identifying ways that you could reduce or eliminate printing for each one. For example:

  • Could you send an email instead of printing out an

Waste Management References

Waste Management is the largest provider of waste management services in the United States. The company has a long history of helping communities and businesses manage their waste more efficiently, including recycling and converting waste into energy. Waste Management provides services to over 21 million residential customers, 3 million commercial customers and 5,200 municipal governments through 60 local operating companies in North America. The company also owns or leases 159 renewable energy facilities that produce enough power for over 500,000 homes annually.

Waste Management Review

Waste Management is a leading provider of integrated environmental solutions in North America. The company provides collection, transfer, recycling and resource recovery, disposal and energy production services.

Waste Management’s stock symbol is WM.

The Diplomat

The Diplomat is a global waste management services provider that operates in North America, Europe, Asia and Australia. The company offers a range of products and services including collection, disposal …